Create Profile
Please provide the following information so that we may create your CVWD Large Landscape online profile. Once your profile is created you can submit your applications for our Turf Removal or WBIC Programs. You will also use this portal to provide project updates as your proceed. Be sure and write down your password as you will use it and your email address to login to your portal.
SCV Water
Rebate Programs - Rules and Requirements
SCV Water is offering a rebate for turf removal and Weather Based Irrigation Controllers (WBIC’s) in large landscapes (HOA community landscaping, businesses & industrial areas). SCV Water will pay $2 a square foot up to 25,000 square feet per metered account per year for turf removal and $25 per active irrigation station changed to a weather based station, provided that funds are available, subject to all of the terms and conditions and Participant’s compliance with such rules and requirements.
*Rebates will be issued upon completion and verification of turf removal and irrigation system alterations.
- Applications will be funded on a first come, first served basis, for completed work provided the Participant meets all qualifying criteria. Upon receipt of an application and at the request of the Participant, SCV Water will provide an estimate of the funding currently available under the CII programs. There is no implied or expressed guarantee that funding will be available at the time the application is received by SCV Water or when the landscape project is completed. .
- Payment of any and all rebates by SCV Water to Participant is contingent upon there being funds available at the time that a project, or a phase of a project, is completed in compliance with the rules of this document, and there is no guarantee that such funds will be or are available.
- The application for rebate in no way obligates SCV Water to pay any rebates to Participant unless Participant complies with the terms of this document and funds to pay the rebate are available.
- Participant may submit an application that involves multiple phases of no more than 2,500 square feet provided no more than one phase is proposed at any one time, and SCV Water will provide rebates at the completion of individual phases of a project provided that such work complies with the requirements herein for each phase and approved by SCV Water and funding is available.
- A dated receipt of purchased materials or invoice from installing contractor must be provided.
- No rebate will exceed the cost of any items purchased plus installation.
- Rebate will be paid to Participant who is the customer of record.
- Hiring of a landscape contractor and completion of WBIC installation are the sole responsibility of the Participant.
- Site assessment and landscape modifications must be conducted at a location within SCV Water service area. SCV Water does not endorse specific consultants, brands, products or dealers; nor does it guarantee materials or workmanship; acceptance of such is the sole responsibility of the Participant.
- SCV Water assumes no responsibility or liability for any damage that may occur to a Participant’s property as a result of participation in this program.
- Participant accepts and acknowledges that due to circumstances beyond SCV Water’s control, SCV Water cannot guarantee irrigation controller modifications will result in lower utility costs.
- To qualify for a rebate, Participant must allow a representative of SCV Water to conduct a pre and post inspection, and any other inspections deemed necessary.
- No rebates will be provided to Participant unless SCV Water conducts a pre and post-inspection of the newly installed controllers and SCV Water determines, in its own discretion, that the proposed project as described in the application, has occurred consistent with the project description in the application.
- SCV Water will provide, at no cost to Participant a pre-inspection of existing conditions and a post-inspection to confirm compliance.
- If Participant is not the property owner, Participant must confirm to the satisfaction of SCV Water that it has the legal right to execute the rebate application and implement the project.
- Participant guarantees that the newly installed irrigation controllers be placed in the controller’s weather based mode unless local water retailers’ rules prohibit this. SCV Water shall have the right to inspect for compliance once a year to confirm compliance.
- SCV Water has the right to cancel/modify the Turf Removal or WBIC rebate programs or any of its requirements at its discretion at any time.